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Welcome to Orange County Wound Care Center

Gennady Kolodenker, DPM

Orange County Wound Care Center is a comprehensive wound care center with a singular focus on closing your non-healing wound and preserving your limbs. For the past 11 years, Dr. Kolodenker has specialized in treating non-healing wounds, ulcers and diabetic infections in the foot, toes, ankle, and leg. He has extensive experience caring for patients with wounds due to diabetes, peripheral arterial disease, cancer, and more. He also repairs Charcot Deformities to allow foot wounds to heal.

Dr. Kolodenker utilizes both traditional techniques as well as advanced wound care technologies for faster healing and limb preservation. For instance, Dr. Kolodenker has successfully used new technology to help create a base for skin to grow over more rapidly, as well as split-thickness skin grafts which take more easily and can cover larger areas of skin.

Don’t wait any longer. Give Dr. Kolodenker a call to receive the very best wound care and get the answers you are looking for.

Don’t Let Foot Wounds Go Untreated

Call (949) 651-1203 If You Have a Toe, Foot, or Ankle Wound.

We help patients that have diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, vasculitis, and more keep their toes and feet intact by taking a comprehensive approach to wound treatment. We are experts that treat ulcers, wounds, and diabetic infections.

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Remember, just because it doesn't hurt, doesn't mean it isn't serious.
Call, text, or Request a Callback now before it's too late.

wound care free foot

Call Now To Schedule Your Diabetic Foot Screening

Ulcers on the foot may not always come with pain, but they are serious conditions that should be evaluated by Dr. Alex Yanovskiy. The symptoms of foot ulcers may include drainage, or red, inflamed tissue. If you have any questions, please contact our office.

Call (949) 651-1203